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Attending or planning a wedding in South West France?  We provide the perfect place for your wedding guest accommodation

Wedding venues nearby

If you are attending a wedding at one of the nearby châteaux venues in the Gensac, Saint Émilion, Castillon or Juillac areas, we can provide local accommodation and organise transport for you.


The following wedding châteaux venues are all close by:

Château de Sanse, Sainte Radegonde - 8 minutes

Château Lardier, Ruch - 9 minutes

Château Tourbeille, Juillac - 11 minutes

Château Rigaud, Mouliets-et-Villemartin - 12 minutes

Château Soulac, Juillac - 12 minutes

Château de Duras, Duras - 19 minutes

Château des Vigiers, Monestier - 30 minutes

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